Unité pédagogique
Anglais S8
Derniere édition le: 09/12/2024
Description générale :
The second year English Coursese (M1) consists of 2 modules plus the attainment of the TOEIC or TOEFL standard set by the C.T.I.:
- Professional recruitment module during which they will learn to write a professional CV and cover letter followed by a simulated interview with an external recruiter (Semester 1).
- Cultural module which will include the in-depth study of an aspect of Anglo-Saxon civilization
followed by a presentation at the end of the year (Semester 2). - Official TOEIC (800 points) or TOEFL (83 points) if they are intending to apply for a study-
period abroad.
The TOEIC (Test Of English for International Communication) is used by most Human Resources Managers and often required for entry level jobs. We use it internally as an objective assessment test for all students. An 800 score is required for the “Diplôme d’Ingénieur Civil des Mines”. A standard error of measurement margin is applied and, consequently, students who obtain a score of 765 are admissible for the diploma
The TOEFL IBT test is required for all students applying for a Master’s degree in the US, Canada and other universities. They should register on www.toefl.org in plenty of time if they want the test results to be sent to their host university in February-March. The test lasts 4 hours and is only administered in approved test centres on pre-established dates throughout France.
Nombre d’heures à l’emploi du temps:
Domaine(s) ou champs disciplinaires:
Langue d’enseignement:
Objectifs d’apprentissage:
A la fin de l’unité pédagogique, l’élève sera capable de : |
Niveau de taxonomie |
Priorité |
Find a real job or internship offer and formally apply for the position using the relevant documents |
3. Appliquer |
null |
Take a real job interview in English with an external recruiter and perform well in the most common assessment center type activities (In-tray activity, case study activity, group activities etc.) |
3. Appliquer |
Analyze and present in English in detail a specific aspect of an English-speaking country’s culture. |
4. Analyser |
Modalités d’évaluation des apprentissages:
Part de l'évaluation individuelle
Part de l'évaluation collective
Examen sur table :
Livrable(s) de projet :
Examen oral individuel :
Exposé collectif :
Exposé individuel :
Exercice pratique collectif :
Exercice pratique individuel :
Rapport collectif :
Rapport individuel :
Autre(s) : 75 %
Programme et contenus:
Type d’activité pédagogique : |
Contenu, séquencement et organisation |