Positionnement dans le cursus
Semestre 5
Semestre 6
Semestre 7
Semestre 9

Course unit

Statistics and data science

Last updated: 09/12/2024


Course Director(s):

BAY Xavier HOAYEK Anis

General Description:

The first part of the course focuses on the fundamental concepts necessary to understand probability calculation. The calculation of probabilities, seen as a science of uncertainty and variability, aims to predict in situations where not everything is perfectly predictable, situations that can be found in all engineering sciences such as measurement uncertainties, quality control, equipment or communication reliability. The purpose of the statistical part is to allow the practitioner (decision-maker, etc.) to determine his position in the most reasoned way possible according to the context and the data available or that can be acquired.

Key words:

Random variables Probability distributions Estimation Statistical hypothesis testing Linear regression

Number of teaching hours


Fields of study


Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes

On completion of the unit, the student will be capable of: Classification level Priority
Use basic tools, including the concepts of random variables, probability distributions, independence, moments (such as expectation and variance for example) 2. Understand Essential
Be able to make point and confidence interval estimates for parameters of the usual laws from statistical sample data. 3. Apply Essential
Perform simple linear regression models, compare and critique them 4. Analyse Essential
Implement the methods and models studied under the R software 3. Apply Important
Write a clear and concise report on a data processing operation (such as estimation or regression) 5. Summarise Important

Learning assessment methods

Percentage ratio of individual assessment Percentage ratio of group assessment
Written exam: 70 % Project submission: 0 %
Individual oral exam: 0 % Group presentation: 0 %
Individual presentation: 0 % Group practical exercise: 30 %
Individual practical exercise: 0 % Group report: 0 %
Individual report: 0 %
Other(s): 0 %

Programme and content

Type of teaching activity Content, sequencing and organisation

Probabilities, conditional probabilities, independent events

Random variables, usual distributions, moments

Point and confidence interval estimation, centred limit theorem

Statistical tests
Linear regression

Practical work

Getting to grips with the R software

Case study

Study of real data sets using statistical methods such as linear regression or factor analysis.

Supervised studies

Law calculations, methods for simulating random variables, estimation of the parameters of a probability law