Positionnement dans le cursus
Semestre 5
Semestre 6
Semestre 7
Semestre 9

Course group - TB1-ALE



ECTS credits


Course Director(s):

  • ROELENS Marc
  • General Description:

    • on software standards such as REST
    • on patterns like MVC
    • by integrating a database
    • with frameworks and languages widely used in companies such as Symfony/PHP
    • by deploying it in cloud solutions

    Links between course units:

    The UP1 makes it possible to approach the development of a web application under PHP with the Symfony framework, in particular:

    Unit 1

    • Know what the Symfony MVC is (architecture, routers, controllers, Twig template engine, bundles, services...),
    • Know the objective of a PHP framework,
    • Create his first Symfony project,
    • Use and install a Mysql database,
    • Manipulate the entities of the business layer and know the relations with the entities with Doctrine
    • Use forms, validate your data and hydrate its database

    Unit 2:

    The UP2 allows students to put into practice the concepts seen in the UP1 and to exploit the Front End by deploying its Symfony application in production, using REST APIs and following and testing the state of its PHP/Symfony application. This UP allows in particular to:

    • Know what an API is and why you should use it
    • Know the criteria that define a REST API;
    • Distinguish between SOAP and REST APIs;
    • How a REST API is built;
    • How to send queries to an external API;
    • Know the basics of building your own API.
    • Mastering the writing of unit tests with PHPUnit as part of a Symfony project
    • Identify when to implement them
    • Ability to implement unit tests
    • Testing the code requiring an external system
    • Integrate the test writing mechanism into a project's life cycle
    • Use a continuous integration tool
    • Deploy a Symfony app on Heroku

    Orientations / Associations with other courses:

    This gp comes in parallel to the toolbox "integrated applications", it is a similar toolbox but which integrates the fact of developing on a database and includes the notions of programming by api.

    Key words:

    Api Rest MVC Database PHP Symphony Cloud Programming Internet of things Applications