Unité pédagogique

Communication à courte portée

Derniere édition le: 26/09/2022



ABSI Nabil

Description générale :

The objectives of this course is to present traceability technologies (barcodes, RFID, NFC, etc.). Specialists in this

domain will present how these technologies work, how they are used as well as their applications.

The first part of this course provides some basic on RFID technologies. It helps understanding the electronic solutions implementing RFID tags. It outlines a practical way for industrial applications. A short history will be presented, followed by a review of existing technologies. We then discuss in more detail the problems of the power supply of passive tags, solutions implemented for communication with readers and normative aspects.

Finally, major technological trends will be presented. This first part will close with some practical sessions on HF and UHF technologies. The second part of this course is to present the main points to consider for a successful integration of new communication solutions. These points range from project management to the use


Nombre d’heures à l’emploi du temps:


Domaine(s) ou champs disciplinaires:

Langue d’enseignement:

Objectifs d’apprentissage:

A la fin de l’unité pédagogique, l’élève sera capable de : Niveau de taxonomie Priorité

Modalités d’évaluation des apprentissages:

Part de l'évaluation individuelle Part de l'évaluation collective
Examen sur table : % Livrable(s) de projet : %
Examen oral individuel : % Exposé collectif : %
Exposé individuel : % Exercice pratique collectif : %
Exercice pratique individuel : % Rapport collectif : 100 %
Rapport individuel : %
Autre(s) : %

Programme et contenus:

Type d’activité pédagogique : Contenu, séquencement et organisation
Lecture 1

Introduction to communicating technologies.

Lecture 2

Communication (protocols) several tags in a field

Lecture 3

Normative and legal aspects. NFC and RFID Mobile.

Lab work 4

Lab (HF).

Lab work 5

Lab (UHF)

Lab work 6-7

Development of  a decision-support tool 

Lecture 8

How to manage an RFID project

Lecture 9

How to evaluate impacts of RFID technologies on supply chains

Lecture 10

Feedbacks, discussions, markets, business, technological choices