Unité pédagogique

Introduction to artificial intelligence

Derniere édition le: 26/09/2024




Description générale :

After a general introduction to the Artificial Intelligence, this modules addresses two important fundamental domains of Artificial Intelligence: Problem Solving on one hand and Knowledge Representation and reasoning on the other hand.

For what concerns Problem Solving, the module focuses on automatic decision methods for deciding which actions to carry out when it is necessary to think of several moves in advance, since a single action is not enough to achieve the objective, as in a game of chess. It addresses : 

  • Solving Problems by Searching (DFS, BFS, A*, Optimization)
  • Adversarial Search (minimax, alpha-beta)
  • Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP, COP, backtrack , propagation, arc-consistency)

For what concerns Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, the module deals with ways of representing knowledge concerning the environments of intelligent agents and how to reason with this knowledge. It reviews: 

  • Logics-based models (propositional, first-order)
  • Reasoning schemes (resolution, inference)
  • Extensions (fuzzy logics, modal logics)
  • Logic Programming (Prolog)

This teaching unit counts for 4 credits (/30 total for a semester).


Modélisation des problèmes Arborescence Graphes Exploration Jeux Recherche de chemin

Nombre d’heures à l’emploi du temps:


Domaine(s) ou champs disciplinaires:

Informatique, Systèmes d'information

Langue d’enseignement:


Objectifs d’apprentissage:

A la fin de l’unité pédagogique, l’élève sera capable de : Niveau de taxonomie Priorité

Modalités d’évaluation des apprentissages:

Part de l'évaluation individuelle Part de l'évaluation collective
Examen sur table : % Livrable(s) de projet : %
Examen oral individuel : % Exposé collectif : %
Exposé individuel : % Exercice pratique collectif : %
Exercice pratique individuel : % Rapport collectif : %
Rapport individuel : %
Autre(s) : %

Programme et contenus:

Type d’activité pédagogique : Contenu, séquencement et organisation


Supervised work


