Groupe pédagogique - MASTER-CPS2-M2
CPS2 (Cyber-Physical and Social Systems) is an international track of the master in Computer Science of University of Lyon, jointly operated by University Jean Monnet of Saint-Etienne and Mines Saint-Etienne - Institut Mines Telecom.
Topics taught in CPS2 are related to the Internet of Things, Web and mobile applications, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Infrastructures, Digital Twin, Cyber-security. Application domains include Industry 4.0, Smart Cities, Smart Buildings, Intelligent Transport Systems.
The CPS2 program opens opportunities of carrier in the research and development of innovative and technical cyber-physical systems: research and development scientists, managers of IT field, cyber-physical system architects, supporting engineers in design and development of cyber-physical systems, experts in socio-technical systems, experts or functional consultant, project manager in applications such as health, transport, energy and environment.
Courses are taught in English and are structured according to the European Credit Transfer System with 120 credits over four semesters of full-time studies.
The aim of this program is to provide students with a triple expertise on technologies and methods to design and integrate intelligent cyber-physical systems, interfacing the physical, social and digital dimensions of our environments:
Students of the IMC curriculum: the Master Track is integrated with: