Syllabus MASTER
Les Masters
Biomedical engineering and design
Cyber-physical and social systems M1
Cyber-physical and social systems M2
Données et systèmes connectés
Géographies – Espaces – Homme/Environnement – Ressources
Génie des procédés et intelligence artificielle M1
Génie des procédés et intelligence artificielle M2
Hybrid Electronics
Industrial Engineering and Operation Research for the Industry of the Future
Maths en action
Mathematical imaging and spatial pattern analysis
Mécanique numérique des solides
Materials science and engineering M1
Materials science and engineering M2
Prospective Design M1
Prospective Design M2
Sciences de l'Evaluation Environnmentale et des Risques
Sustainable Manufacturing and Advanced Technologies M1
Sustainable Manufacturing and Advanced Technologies M2
MASTER courses
of Mines Saint-Etienne
Course descriptions
Biomedical engineering and design
Cyber-physical and social systems M1
Cyber-physical and social systems M2
Données et systèmes connectés
Géographies – Espaces – Homme/Environnement – Ressources
Génie des procédés et intelligence artificielle M1
Génie des procédés et intelligence artificielle M2
Hybrid Electronics
Industrial Engineering and Operation Research for the Industry of the Future
Maths en action
Mathematical imaging and spatial pattern analysis
Mécanique numérique des solides
Materials science and engineering M1
Materials science and engineering M2
Prospective Design M1
Prospective Design M2
Sciences de l'Evaluation Environnmentale et des Risques
Sustainable Manufacturing and Advanced Technologies M1
Sustainable Manufacturing and Advanced Technologies M2