Groupe pédagogique - MASTER-MSE-M1
The Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Master’s degree is a two-year programme taught entirely in English.
Please note that we recruit students to start the M1 year only (we don't recruit students to start directly the M2 year).
By following the MSE Master’s programme, you will develop an in-depth knowledge of the relationship between processing, microstructure and mechanical properties, which constitutes the core of the teaching programme. You will learn to master the main experimental and modelling methods in materials science. You will also receive a high level of general education, with particular emphasis on the major ecological and societal issues of the coming decades. The MSE Master’s degree will enable you to join the research and development departments of major industrial companies as a materials/metallurgy expert or to continue your studies in a doctoral thesis.
A Master of Science (Master recheche) is an internationally recognised diploma corresponding to a recognised expertise in a given scientific and technical field. It opens doors for carreer in R&D services of industrial companies but also, to PhD projects and academic carreers, in France or in international laboratories. The program of MSE degree helps students to get a first contact with the "R&D" world through Laboratory Projects and also through a research-oriented master thesis internship (5-6 months).