Course unit

Last updated: 04/12/2024


Course Director(s):


General Description:

The 4th semester (from March to September) is a 5 month internship devoted to the preparation of the Master's Thesis. This works is conducted by the applicant on a research topic in materials science. It can be undertaken in the laboratories of Mines Saint-Etienne, or in other public instituions, or in industry.

Some of the recent research projects conducted by the students were:

- Aging of Aluminum Powder used for Additive Manufacturing

- Microstructural Investigation of SS316 Stainless Steel Samples Edificated by Powder Bed Laser Fusion

- Characterization of softening in tungsten for nuclear fusion application

- Design and experimental characterisation of a novel martensitic FeCr steel by comparative study with 440 C (X105CrMo17)

- Effect of surface roughening on the hydrogen uptake in a ferritic Fe-Cr alloy

Key words:

Number of teaching hours

Fields of study

Teaching language

Intended learning outcomes

On completion of the unit, the student will be capable of: Classification level Priority

Learning assessment methods

Percentage ratio of individual assessment Percentage ratio of group assessment
Written exam: % Project submission: %
Individual oral exam: % Group presentation: %
Individual presentation: 50 % Group practical exercise: %
Individual practical exercise: % Group report: %
Individual report: 50 %
Other(s): %

Programme and content

Type of teaching activity Content, sequencing and organisation