Course unit

Last updated: 04/12/2024


Course Director(s):


General Description:

This course takes place in the 1st semester (September - February).

Elements of mathematics and scripting useful for the study of materials.

Key words:

Vector matrices differential operators differential equations geometry Statistics Prrobability python programming matlab/octave

Number of teaching hours


Fields of study

Mathematics Computer Science, Information Systems

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes

On completion of the unit, the student will be capable of: Classification level Priority
handle mathematical tools (matrices, vectors, tensors, diff. operators) 3. Apply Essential
solve PDEs and ODEs 2. Understand Important
formulate and solve a problem in 3D or 2D geometry 3. Apply Essential
describe and analyze non-reproducibility of experimental tests 4. Analyse Essential
serenely handle informatic tools 3. Apply Essential
script in python and matlab 3. Apply Important
interact with experts in numerical modelling 2. Understand Essential

Learning assessment methods

Percentage ratio of individual assessment Percentage ratio of group assessment
Written exam: 60 % Project submission: %
Individual oral exam: % Group presentation: %
Individual presentation: % Group practical exercise: %
Individual practical exercise: 40 % Group report: %
Individual report: %
Other(s): %

Programme and content

Type of teaching activity Content, sequencing and organisation
Lecture + Training

Vectors, matrices and tensors

2D and 3D geometry


Application on image segmentation on python : extraction of polygonal features, simplification thereof and post-processing on GMSH

Lecture + Training

Ordinary Differential Equations, Euler method

Statistics and probabilities

Non-linear problems and solvers (Newton and fixed-point)


Droplet trajectory simulation through (non-)linear ODE solving and probabilistic assessment of the impact point on matlab

Lecture + Training

Differential operators and Partial Differential Equations

Signal processing and Fast Fourier Transform


Resolution of diffusive equations by FFT on matlab, simulation of a sample distortion (through external library on matlab) and visualization (GMSH)