==== EBSD ==== ---- So you want to do ebsd but you don't know how it works and what it does ? [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nKq87X3f0I-tkE4bAqWC2Fu3torVCFBh/view?usp=sharing|This presentation]] gathers some basic general knowledge about ebsd: ---- === MTEX === ---- MTEX is a free matlab toolbox for EBSD data analysis: https://mtex-toolbox.github.io/ Here are a few scripts that could be usefull for some applications: * [[recherche:methodes:ebsd:mtex_import|Import EBSD data from the Oxford camera with the right reference frame]] * [[recherche:methodes:ebsd:ebsd_depth_map|Compute the depth of each point of a sample relative to its surface whatever its geometry]] * [[recherche:methodes:ebsd:ebsd_stiching|Automatic EBSD map stiching]] ---- === EMSOFT === ---- EMSOFT is an open-source code for dictionary indexing of EBSD pattern. It can be usefull when classic EBSD indexation fails due to : * large plastic deformations * pseudo-symetries * pattern similarities The original code can be found here: https://github.com/EMsoft-org/EMsoft The official tutorial explains how it works: https://github.com/EMsoft-org/EMsoft/wiki/DItutorial The following presentation summarizes the main concepts and provide guidelines to use EMSOFT with the school microscope on the cluster: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rPmuguwfiDyxVGP2NfSrjGjED-w0_pLw/view?usp=sharing Usefull scripts: * [[recherche:methodes:ebsd:edax_conv|EDAX_conv.py]]: python script to convert a list of pattern pictures from the Oxford EBSD camera (the one installed on the Zeiss) to an EMSOFT compatible HDF5 format